Flower and foliage

Selecting from traditional flower depictions, I modeled them in 3D to add more depth while ensuring the design remains optimized for use as material. These flower patterns were originally decorative 2D elements, and my goal was to transform them into 3D models while maintaining their original aesthetic and functionality.
Inspiration from: Jasmin Habezai-Hippopura Sanctuary
3D sculpting was used to define the form and add detailed sculpting elements. I then applied an additional layer of brushwork to enhance the texture.
I rendered the scene and used the base render for color adjustments, texture manipulation, and a brush-like style, refining the results in Topaz and Photoshop.

Cutting out each flower individually and reassembling them into a bouquet. All the meshes are joined, and a single material sheet is prepared. I also created a black-and-white version of the material to adjust opacity in Unreal.

Material Instance detail

Additional WPO: Controls the scale of the mesh, influenced by world position.

Wind Gradient: Determines the size of the surface affected by wind intensity.

Wind Intensity: Controls how strong the wind effect is on the mesh.

Wind Speed: Adjusts how quickly the mesh responds to the wind.

Wind Weight: Determines how much the wind affects the mesh's movement.
To use this material on yours design 

 1. Create 2 texture sheet
 -color version/black and white version (black as a fill mask) 
2.Change texture sample ! 
3. Ready to go~
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